How To Design A Website: WordPress Website

How To Design A Website

How To Design A Website


In Web designing, you need to understand some terminologies in order to flow with the tutorial.  Some of the terminologies are simplified here as follows-

Web  –

This is seen as the interconnection of Computers that talk to each other

Domain Name-

It refers to the address assigned to you in the web. This address is unique and can be compared to your unique residence address used in getting your location.

You can register your domain name through some companies that render the services. Domain registration can be done through Hostgator at ,Godaddy at and many others.

Hosting –

There are companies that give out space in their server for uploading your web files for publishing. They render web hosting services . They are referred to as host or the hosting Companies.

Some of the hosting companies include

HIC at,

Hostgator at,

Godaddy at,

Ipage at and numerous other hosting companies.

These companies charge a little fee for the hosting service they render.

One may also decide to go for a free hosting service. In this case, you are not expected to pay any fee for the hosting of the website. An example of the company that handles a free domain and web hosting is blogspot. Some of the disadvantages of using a free web hosting service includes

  1. You are not actually given a domain but a subdomain such as, A subdomain is simple a domain within a domain.
  2. You may not really be in control of the domain. This is because the hosting company may have a change of policy which will affect your activities on your website being hosted by them.

The steps to web design can be  simplified as follows-

1..  Register your domain name

2.. Pay for the hosting of your website

3.. Design your website offline or online

4.. Upload your web files to your the host server and publish the website (This is if the website was designed offline, that is, using a local server).

Please if you are unable to get through with the information on webdesign introduction and you are still having difficulty carrying out the task, You may need  to watch the video below to get the exact demonstration of the steps to follow.
Web design: Introduction (Video)


For more Tutorial on Webdesign: Check out these videos-

Videos on Website Design only:  Click here to watch

All Videos by Hiscom : Click here to watch

Ways Of Building A website

Some of the ways involved in building a website include the following-

  1.  Hand Coding Your HTML . This is one of the advanced and difficult way of designing a website. It involves use of text editors such as notepad to code the HTML. The designer is expected to have adequate knowledge of HTML and other web design tools such as PhP and JavaScript.
  2. Generating Codes– You can also use Softwares such as Dreamweaver or Frontpage as HTML editors to generate web page codes. In this case, you give out the design on the software platform while it generates the underlying codes of your design. It is referred to as WYSIWYG editor.
  3. Using Web design Template or Theme: This involves designing a website using templates or theme from the Open source CMS (Content Management System). This is the easiest of all as it requires little or no knowledge of coding with HTML.

The Popular CMS

There are many Open source CMS available but the most common among them are

1. The WordPress ,

Wordpress Logo for website design

2. Joomla

Joomla Logo

3.  Drupal.

Drupal symbol

WordPress which is going to be the object of focus in this tutorial can boast of many popular websites designed using it.

These include-

The New Yorker –

BBC America –

MTV News -

ebay Inc -

Some of the world websites developed using Joomla include

MTV Greece  –

Linux  –

Harvard University- The Graduate School of Arts And Sciences  –

IT Wire  –


Recommended Reading:

Features Of A Well Designed Website

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